Wednesday 7 January 2015

Water of Life

                                                  THE WATER OF LIFE

Water is hard to grasp and difficult to define- and so it is with consciousness............

The Water of Life  wishing to make itself known on the face of the earth  bubbled up in an artesian well and flowed without effort or limit.
People came to drink of the magic water and were nourished by it, since it was so clean and pure and invigorating.
But humankind was not content to leave things in the Edenic state.
Gradually they began to fence the well , charge admission , claim ownership of the property around it , make elaborate laws as to who could come to the well, put locks on the gates.
Soon the well was the property of the powerful and the elite.
The water was angry and offended it stopped flowing and began to bubble in another place ..............

The people who owned the property around the first  well were so engrossed in their power systems and ownership that they did not notice that the water had vanished .
They continued selling the non existent water and few people noticed that the true power was gone. But some dissatisfied people searched with great courage for the new artesian well.
soon that well was under the control of the property owners and the same fate overtook it .
he spring took itself to yet another place - and this has been going on throughout recorded history

when I first read the story, I was moved by its relevance to my own life and some fifteen years on it has just as much strength, but for different reasons
as the gulf between those with and these without increases it becomes harder to find the location of the new well that holds the real water 

of course the analogy the author uses for this story is water for consciousness- the ownership of humans spiritual nature has been fought over since ancient times
each religious leader preaches theirs is the right way and the only way "ours is the true well the true water" 
the truth is whenever anyone makes this claim its time to seek a new well even if the punishment for questioning is severe

endless searching takes place by lost and disillusioned people
many fall for the trap of false religions that fenced off the water centuries ago 
these days our lives are filled with images of militant religions
whose members cover their faces to hide their identity but it doesn't hide their deeds - these are fed ad nauseum into multi media so it is inescapable to urban people
why ?
because there is a move to create doubt in seekers minds that there is a no  new well bubbling in an out of the way unfashionable location

This is how it must seem for the older indigenous peoples of the world,
their youth are so far removed from their grandparents culture that it must seem hopeless when the elders watch young adults destroyed with alcohol violence and drugs - 
hopelessness is less hope
so what the proprietors of the new militant religions are selling is no hope  as opposed to the less hope of the barren urban lifestyle currently lived out all over the world

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